Web Design

Web DesignDay and night. 7 days a week. Your web design can be working for you.

So it better be good.

Your website is the single best marketing investment you'll ever make. And compared to any other form of advertising, websites are the most cost effective. With tradtional formats like print, radio and television, when the money runs out the advertising stops. But with a website, once you get it online it continues to work for you around the clock at little to no additional cost.

The Expertise of Web Design

Website design requires genuine expertise across the marketing spectrum. But for many years websites were not built by marketing people. They were built by computer people who knew little about marketing. And it's still going on today. The traditional model for what constitutes a "website" — a logo, some introductory text, a photo and navigation bar — does not include any marketing. Without sound marketing the power of a website is lost.

Marketing, creative strategy, public relations, text, design, branding and photography all work together to compel action. It adds up to an automatic sales force working 24/7.

Web design technology changes fast. All of my websites are built on a full state-of-the-art Joomla Content Management System (CMS) platform. Your CMS website enables you to makes changes yourself (with an hour or two of training which I can provide). So if you need to update prices, change product shots, or a photograph of an employee, you can do it through a password-protected interface located in the back end of the website. A CMS website essentially has two faces, the front end is what the public sees when they go online. The back end is where you make changes in real time with familiar tools like those in Microsoft Word.

Creative Edge

There's no substitute for sound marketing judgment. No amount of computer gimmicks or tricks are going to replace marketing.

What is the exact mix of images, words, branding that will best present who and what you are online? A lot of ingredients come together to make a website. Copy (text), design, photos, videos, audio, branding, logo. Since I do it all, no part of your website will be executed by someone who has to guess as to how his part will plug into the rest of the picture. I don't have to outsource anything; that ensures you get a better product since every component of the overall production will integrate with every other part according to the grand design.

Marketing Flypaper

When people go to a website, they are normally looking for an answer to a question. But not all people have the same question. Therefore, I will establish the top 8 or 10 reasons a person might be coming to your site and then put something regarding each element right on the home page. That ensures whoever lands on your site will see several items of strong interest. I never force a visitor to dig into the site to find out what is offered. All that needs to be represented on the home page.

Furthermore, every item of interest relating to the business that appears on the home page has to be dressed up. A five-star chef doesn't just dump food on a plate. How it looks and is vitally important, especially online. Creative strategy, a mini headline, image and tag of copy with a "Read More" can take each concept to the next level. A visitor should be saying "Wow!" repeatedly under his breath as he scans the page. That's how a website is made to be "sticky." And Google is always watching to see how long someone stays and even whether or not they return the next day for more info. The longer people stay and the more they return, the more valuable Google guages your website to be. Valuable sites get top ranking, which means they are the lucky businesses on page one or two that Google recommends to people when they search for something.

Visitors like it when they can rapidly scan the home page and confirm that you have what they are looking for. When visitors find something interesting, they click to learn more.

Drop me a line and tell me about your project. I will be happy to give you my recommendations and with a free quote for my services. for immediate assistance call me at 214-828-9334.


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Articles View Hits

500-Year-Old Secrets of Amazing Composition

lament over the dead christ

After 9 years as a professional display artist traveling across the US, I set out to unlock a riddle that in turn uncovered an ancient blueprint of master composition.

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Subtle clues you might have found the right creative:


total profits earned

$411,000,000 in sales generated by Steve Hall for clients

43,000,000 total hits on websites designed by Steve Hall Creative

43,000,000 visitors to Steve Hall's websites



11,000 visual merchandizing displays

500,000 words published as a copywriter

500,000 words published
as a copywriter

500 plus keywords on page one of Google by Steve Hall
SEO keywords on
Page One of Google


250 print ads in newspapers,
magazines & online


153 total brochures and catalogs by Steve Hall

153 brochures and catalogs



128 films and videos scripted

102 websites built by Steve Hall

102 websites


77 TV spots

62 logo designs by Steve Hall

62 gorgeous logos


33 packaging designs

9 book covers designed by Steve Hall

9 book covers


Plus billboards, business cards, company names, direct mail campaigns, exibitions, outdoor signs, marketing campaigns, Pay Per Click, photography, showroom designs, typesetting and...


1 place where all this experience comes together:
Your project.