Online Advertising

Online advertising includes display ads, banner ads, email marketing, etc. When I build a website, I also create a little ad campaign for the company and work it into the website itself to help build loyalty and make the most of online real estate. As for low-life, flashing or shaking "click on me" banner ads—no, I don't do that.

Online Display Ads

Here is a series of ads for a doctor's office that appear throughout their own website, specifically throughout their knowledge center where they have many articles covering helping people understand and better cope with various maladies. Thanks to SEO, a visitor could come straight into any page of the website directly from Google. So I have ads to introduce the practice and get people interested.

The creative strategy in this series of examples is a subtle knock against walk-in treatment clinics where your doctor is generally a stranger. A doctor who doesn't know you and who, chances are, will never see you again, it likely to treat patients more superficially than a doctor who knows he will be seeing the patient again. It plays up the advantage to a family medical center with a doctor who knows you. In some cases, Dr. Carlson also treated the parents and siblings of a patient. He is a stickler for taking notes and keeps the most detailed notes on every patient's medical history and issues. So when it comes time to diagnose, he has an entire data base to draw information from.

In any advertising campaign... any marketing really... the entire source of power comes from within the product or company. Always. Advertising doesn't come from a copywriter. The copywriter gets his ideas from study and use of the product itself. That is called "doing one's homework." Then he or she has tools to help guide what he does with that information creatively. This campaign came because in the process of learning about the doctor, his wife told me how he always takes the most incredible notes. And why.


ear-scope-ad   x-ray-ad

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How to Build Professional Window Displays


10 Steps toward Great Visual Merchandising

Here for beginners are the 10 basic steps on how to create window displays that people will notice. Even if you've never built a single display in your life, these fundamentals will help you create displays that sell.

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total profits earned

$411,000,000 in sales generated by Steve Hall for clients

43,000,000 total hits on websites designed by Steve Hall Creative

43,000,000 visitors to Steve Hall's websites



11,000 visual merchandizing displays

500,000 words published as a copywriter

500,000 words published
as a copywriter

500 plus keywords on page one of Google by Steve Hall
SEO keywords on
Page One of Google


250 print ads in newspapers,
magazines & online


153 total brochures and catalogs by Steve Hall

153 brochures and catalogs



128 films and videos scripted

102 websites built by Steve Hall

102 websites


77 TV spots

62 logo designs by Steve Hall

62 gorgeous logos


33 packaging designs

9 book covers designed by Steve Hall

9 book covers


Plus billboards, business cards, company names, direct mail campaigns, exibitions, outdoor signs, marketing campaigns, Pay Per Click, photography, showroom designs, typesetting and...


1 place where all this experience comes together:
Your project.