Commercial Artist

The mission of a commercial artist is to help put a roof over your head. Get you a better home. Improve your quality of life.

It's about harnessing artistic talent to do work and fix problems standing in the way of success.

I don't paint portraits to hang in art galleries. I could. I can paint, draw, sculpt.  But fine art doesn't interest me. I'd rather do something practical that helps people in a direct way.

There are plenty of artists in the world doing fine art already. I love what they do. But I would be bored just doing what they do.

I enjoy using my skills to make a commercial enterprise go. Unlocking the secrets of snarled marketing. Turning the tables on propaganda or hostile marketing efforts. In fact, that's where I really shine.

I can do a lot of things at a high level of competence. There's a trick to competence, you know. The attainment of competence begets more competence. I.e., the more competent you become at any thing, the more compentent you become in general.

In addition to being a commercial artist, I've been an entrepreneur since I was 8. I've directed a manufacturing corporation with products in Target and Wal-Mart. I've organized production facilities in the US and liaised with factories abroad. I've been to China to troubleshoot manufacturing and negotiate prices. I've resolved problems in product design and production, managed supply chain logistics, and worked with Customs officials. I've designed hundreds of booths for trade shows, taken orders and driven sales.

Unlike Ivory Tower creatives who have never owned a company, I know what it's like to invest your heart and soul into a business and how badly you need it to succeed. It's not about sales trophes. It's about enabling better lives. Unlike people who can design but cannot write, who can write but not design, who can direct photography but not build a website, who can do print but not television, who know marketing but not public relations, who can talk marketing but not write a campaign, I do all these things better than most specialists.


  • Success


  • Strategic
  • Creative
  • Cross-disciplined marketing skills

Creative skills:

  • Creative Strategy
  • Web design
  • SEO
  • Print ads
  • TV spots
  • Copywriting
  • Marketing
  • Public relations
  • Branding
  • Brochures
  • Logos
  • Photography
  • Pay Per Click Campaigns
  • Product Design
  • Prototyping
  • Packaging Design
  • Book Design
  • Typesetting
  • Merchandising
  • Display
  • POP
  • Scriptwriting
  • Promotional Products
  • Guerilla Marketing (I own BreakThruDesigns)

Programming skills:

  • Downloadable Products
  • Shopping carts
  • Subscription Systems
  • Quote/Invoice/Order software
  • Auto Responder
  • Security/Firewalls
  • Backup software
  • Photo gallery
  • Video gallery
  • Slide shows
  • Social Media (Twitter/Facebook, etc)
  • Registration

Marketing Skills:

  • Business names
  • Product names
  • Product line design
  • Prototype creation
  • Product R&D
  • Pricing strategy
  • Survey anaysis
  • Market research

Scriptwriting Skills:

  • TV spots
  • Infomercials
  • Marketing videos
  • Sales videos
  • Public relations videos
  • Educational videos
  • Instructional videos

Technical skills:

  • Joomla 3.x
  • Photoshop
  • InDesign
  • Illustrator
  • Final Draft
  • Movie Magic Screenwriter
  • iMovie
  • Final Cut


Photo: Creating a plastic prototypeSupercharging the Creative Process:
A Roadmap toward Better Art

A free mini ebook only available here

An obscure philosophic machine reveals secrets of the creative process to enhance your understanding of the creative process and supercharge your creative skills. Quick and easy to read. Click here to start.

shc register 2016The marketing investment that goes on working for you day and night for years: a website and SEO from Steve Hall Creative. Read testimonials.


Articles View Hits

500-Year-Old Secrets of Amazing Composition

lament over the dead christ

After 9 years as a professional display artist traveling across the US, I set out to unlock a riddle that in turn uncovered an ancient blueprint of master composition.

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How to Build Professional Window Displays


10 Steps toward Great Visual Merchandising

Here for beginners are the 10 basic steps on how to create window displays that people will notice. Even if you've never built a single display in your life, these fundamentals will help you create displays that sell.

Read More

Subtle clues you might have found the right creative:


total profits earned

$411,000,000 in sales generated by Steve Hall for clients

43,000,000 total hits on websites designed by Steve Hall Creative

43,000,000 visitors to Steve Hall's websites



11,000 visual merchandizing displays

500,000 words published as a copywriter

500,000 words published
as a copywriter

500 plus keywords on page one of Google by Steve Hall
SEO keywords on
Page One of Google


250 print ads in newspapers,
magazines & online


153 total brochures and catalogs by Steve Hall

153 brochures and catalogs



128 films and videos scripted

102 websites built by Steve Hall

102 websites


77 TV spots

62 logo designs by Steve Hall

62 gorgeous logos


33 packaging designs

9 book covers designed by Steve Hall

9 book covers


Plus billboards, business cards, company names, direct mail campaigns, exibitions, outdoor signs, marketing campaigns, Pay Per Click, photography, showroom designs, typesetting and...


1 place where all this experience comes together:
Your project.